Concerns about COVID-19 suppressing votes seem unwarranted. Arizona voters have already turned in more early ballots than they did in 2018 and 2016. As of Thursday, 909,906 ballots were returned to the Secretary of State’s office. Democrats returned 44.9%, Republicans returned 44%, and Independents returned 11.1% according to Data Orbital’s early vote tracker.
It will be interesting to see the final numbers once all votes are in, but don’t get complacent. Every vote counts, and solid, pro-life, pro-family candidates need every vote they can get.
Need more info on candidates?
Watch this brief video…
- See how candidates answered key questions and get your personal voter guide at com.
- See who CAP Action endorsed here.
- Check your legislators’ family voting scorecard to find out how they voted on key issues.
Have an early voting ballot?
It’s too late to mail-in your ballot. If you haven’t filled out your early ballot yet, fill it out this weekend and walk it into a nearby polling location on Election Day, next Tuesday.
- Find your closest voting center here.
- Check on the status of your ballot and access other information here
Voting in-person?
Find your polling station at your county recorder’s website. A list is available here.
Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. next Tuesday, Aug. 4th
To reduce the risk of COVID-19 at the polls, the health officials recommend:
- Bringing your marked sample ballot to cut down on time at the polls
- Wear a face mask
- Bring your own pen
- Exercise physical distancing
- Avoid touching your face
Want to help get out the vote on Election Day?
- Shuttle voters who don’t have transportation to the polls. Many local campaign offices and senior communities need drivers to get voters to and from the polls. Check with your county recorder for polling stations here.
- Contact the local campaign office of a candidate you support and ask how you can help. CAP Action’s recommendations are here.
Access general voting information at azsos.gov
- The Department of Justice announced guidance on religious liberty protections in grant programs this week. That was based on a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision ruling the First Amendment “protects religious observers against unequal treatment.” Read it here.
- Facebook and Instagram are censoring speech they do not like by vilifying those who help others with unwanted same-sex attraction. Read Focus on the Family’s article about it here and Restored Hope’s call to action here.
- See the House Judiciary Committee hearing that has everyone talking this week. Attorney General William Barr testified Tuesday in a contentious hearing .
Funding for Center for Arizona Policy Action is separate from CAP Action’s work to elect candidates sharing your views. Even though donations to CAP Action are not tax-deductible, I hope you will consider a gift today.

CAP Action, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that is recognized by the IRS as exempt from federal taxation under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its primary purpose is to promote the common good and general welfare. CAP Action may receive unlimited contributions from any source. Although CAP Action may occasionally expend general treasury funds for political purposes, it does not solicit or accept contributions designated to support or oppose candidates for public office. CAP Action is not legally required to disclose its contributors and, as a matter of policy, it does not voluntarily disclose them. The IRS does not allow contributions to CAP Action to be deducted as a charitable contribution for federal income tax purposes. Please consult your tax adviser for more details.
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